Westhaven Longhorns
Registered Texas Longhorns in Ione, California: gentle bulls, show cattle,
cow calf pairs, pasture ornaments, breeding stock and beef.
At Westhaven Ranch, we have been breeding, raising, showing and selling Registered Texas Longhorns for 52 years. Westhaven Longhorn Ranch was founded in Ione, California in 1973 by Col. Fraser E. West (USMC Retired), Veteran and hero, conservationist, cowboy and award-winning Texas Longhorn breeder, alongside his devoted wife Teddy.
Welcome to Westhaven Longhorn Ranch
Col. Fraser and Teddy West brought a unique viewpoint and passion to the development and preservation of this historic breed. They passed their knowledge, skills and love of these amazing cattle to their daughter Sondra West-Moore and late son-in-law John Moore. Sondra now carries on this important tradition at Westhaven. West. We are happy to share the results with you!
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Psst...Don't miss our Pasture Ornament Special Sale!